July 01, 2015
It's time to take the day off and get a little crazy. Dance around, eat too much birthday cake, drink too much rum and toss some confetti! I'm trying to embrace getting older, but at the same time I'm a bit sad that my 30's are slipping away from me. I have the mentality of a 12 year old and the soul of a 300 year old.
I'm grateful for so much. My friends and family, my businesses and opportunities, Lucy (the cutest and most loyal dog on the planet) and you. Every single person reading this post motivates me to continue to grow, build and create every single day. I raise my piƱa colada to everyone that has supported my journey along the way! Thank you.
So my wish list is to continue to practice self-love, my secret projects to pay off, a massage, lots of belly laughs and maybe a mini shopping spree...
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