March 15, 2010

Be still my heart.

Well I'm finally feeling better and over the weekend I thought I would check out what Monsoon/Accessorize had for grabs, and....holy schmoly! My heart jumped out of my chest! I am so in love with this shop. They have a shop here in Denmark and I drool every time I pop in. While in London last year, one of my first stops was Accessorize. I know I am a shopaholic and now I'm publicly admitting it.

It's official I now have spring (or summer) fever. If you are feeling at all like I am, in disbelief that it's the middle of March and there is still ice on the ground, then some bright, fun hues will do you some good!


Rock Couture said...

Cool stuff!!!

Unknown said...

Love the bangles! My summer wardrobe is so blah, if I just had a few of these things it would totally perk it up!